IN ENGLISH: Kundalini Activation & Guided Meditation

Curious about Kundalini Activation? Looking for a deeply relaxing and transformational experience? This event is perfect for beginners and anyone looking to explore meditation, breathwork, and energy activation in a safe and supportive space.

Kundalini Activation & Guided Meditation

with Alari Berisha & Adél

Register HERE (click on Prague "English")

📅 Date: March 22nd, 2025 

🕕 Time: 17:00 – 20:30

📍 Location: White Sage Therapy

💰 Price: Free

✨ Curious about Kundalini Activation? Looking for a deeply relaxing and transformational experience? This event is perfect for beginners and anyone looking to explore meditation, breathwork, and energy activation in a safe and supportive space.

What is KAP?

Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is a natural and safe method of awakening your inner life force energy (often called Prana or Chi). This energy resides within all of us from birth, and KAP helps to activate it in a gentle yet powerful way.

Through touch and energy transmission, KAP awakens your inner strength, guiding you toward:

🌿 Releasing stress, suppressed emotions & emotional blockages

🌿 Letting go of old patterns, limiting beliefs & inherited burdens

🌿 Deep relaxation, self-awareness & authentic self-expression

🌿 Increased creativity, focus, and intuition

🌿 A stronger connection with your heart’s true desires & potential

During the session, you remain fully conscious—this is not hypnosis, nor does it involve psychedelics. Instead, it is a pure energetic experience, unique to each individual. Some feel waves of energy, emotions, joy, or deep inner peace, while others experience release, movement, or even tears. Every journey is different, and all experiences are valid.

Event Schedule:

🔸 17:00 – 17:30 Opening with cacao, introduction to KAP & setting intentions

🔸 17:30 – 18:30 Somatic movement, breathwork, meditation & sound bath

🔸 18:45 – 19:45 KAP (Kundalini Activation Process)

🔸 19:45 – 20:30 Cacao, sweets and fruit & sharing circle

This is a safe and non-dogmatic space—you don’t need any prior experience with yoga, meditation, or energy work. Just bring an open mind!

Register HERE

We can’t wait to welcome you!

💛 With love,

Your guides, Alari & Adél


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