DANCE Ritual
S radostí a láskou Tě zvu na iniciační DANCE Ritual vycházející z mé dlouholeté taneční a posvátné cesty propojující energie ecstatic &contact dance, aktivace ženské smyslnosti a léčení pro tebe i svět na parketu i v životě.
VíceMeditation and Mindful living with Katrine Thursday, 24th of January from 10 am - 12 noon
(in English, easy level)
Learn how to meditate and how to incorporate mindfulness in your daily living.
Here you learn how to meditate and how to get a good meditation routine, which is easy to incorporate in any lifestyle. You learn about a more mindful way of thinking and being.
Get the benefits from meditation and mindfulness and get more balanced, present, clear, calm and focused, and accomplish more in a balanced way.
For many people this meditation praxis gives the experience of expanding time, which makes daily tasks easier.
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