~Rapé & Sananga Ceremony - ENG~

Rapé & Sananga Ceremony with Rebecca a Matteus Junge from Brazil on Friday 04. August from 19:00 - 22:00 hours in Sun room

Rapé & Sananga Ceremony in Prague at the White Sage Therapy

Join us in welcoming our Brazilian brother and sister, Matteus and Rebecca, to Prague with a circle to celebrate the indigenous culture and wisdom. They bring with them years of study of the traditional cultures to share with us the wisdom, songs, stories and medicines of the Amazonian rainforest. We offer the opportunity to learn more of the jungle and its cultures, as well as direct experience with the sacred medicines of Rapé and Sananga. 

Rapé is a fine powder made from tobacco and the ashes of medicinal plants. It helps bring focus and discipline into our lives with presence and precision. It’s applied into the nostrils with special instruments, the Curipe and Tepi. 

Sananga is a powerful eye drop used to open the intuitive vision, bringing clarity so that we can put into practice all the teachings gifted to us. It’s good for the eyes and helps liberate illnesses of the vision. 

They will also be sharing their own experience studying with some spiritual leaders in the past 10 years, from the Huni Kuin, Yawanawa, Noke Kuin, Ashaninka and Shipibo tribes. 

They will also be exposing some traditional brazilian handcrafts - sharing the culture, colors and beautiful arts from the brazilian tribes. It is a form of encouraging local productions and supporting families that defend the forest. In addition, they will also be displaying some medicines such as Sananga and Rapé, as well as the tools necessary for taking it. 

From 19:00 to 22:00 at the White Sage - Divadelní 322/24, 110 00 Staré Město, Praha, CZ. 

Suggested donation 800 CZK+
If you wish to take Rapé and Sananga, please bring your own tissues and a container to spit in.

Registration: https://forms.gle/3q5B8HVE1KLccBg86
More information: +55 19 988 872 099 Rebecca 

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