HANDPAN + GUITAR: The Light Within with international multi-instrumentalist Marlia Coeur

If you're up for a musical journey unlike any other, I'd love for you to join me. Let's make some magic together.

Buy your tickets now to attend a beautiful & inspirational

concert with Marlia Coeur, as part of her European music tour 2024 sharing songs, prayers, and captivating melodies playing guitar & handpan. 

This concert is about creating moments, weaving stories, and touching your heart. Whether I'm strumming my guitar, playing a handpan melodyor singing a melody, I pour every ounce of myself into every note, hoping to leave a lasting impression on whoever's listening – inviting you to do the same.

So, if you're up for a musical journey unlike any other, I'd love for you to join me. Let's make some magic together.

Sing you soon!

Marlia Coeur

BOOK HERE: https://www.marliacoeur.com/product/the-light-within-voice-workshop

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Léčení v egyptském chrámu s bohyní Isis – hluboká energetická transformace

Jsi připravena rozpustit pouta minulosti a otevřít se posvátné léčivé energii starověkého chrámu? Nech se vést egyptskými kódy a vstup do nové reality, kde duše znovu nachází svou sílu.



Božská Ženo, nacházíme se v mocném období transformace ~ sezony zatmění Měsíce i Slunce a portálu jarní rovnodenností ~ kdy kosmické energie aktivují energetické posuny probuzení, znovuzrození a hlubokého léčení


IN ENGLISH: Kundalini Activation & Guided Meditation

Curious about Kundalini Activation? Looking for a deeply relaxing and transformational experience? This event is perfect for beginners and anyone looking to explore meditation, breathwork, and energy activation in a safe and supportive space.
