Sharing the Legends of the HUNI KUIN Tribe & Rapé

We warmly invite you to an evening spent with visitors from the Huni Kuin tribe, who help bridge the modern world with traditional ways of life.

Sharing the Legends of the HUNI KUIN Tribe & Rapé

August 25th from 5-8 PM

We warmly invite you to an evening spent with visitors from the Huni Kuin tribe, who help bridge the modern world with traditional ways of life.

Together, we will attempt to connect with the Spirit and gain a deeper understanding of traditional wisdom.

We invite you to a profound evening full of stories, sharing, dance, song, and Rapé medicine.
@ritahunikuin @yaka_nuke_koin @shane_saite

We are grateful for this time and send great thanks for the shared connection.
@karolina.draxlerova @cura.da.floresta

To reserve your spot, please send a message via Instagram or phone number +420 737 423 736, and we will provide all the necessary details.
Price: 1100 CZK

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Léčení v egyptském chrámu s bohyní Isis – hluboká energetická transformace

Jsi připravena rozpustit pouta minulosti a otevřít se posvátné léčivé energii starověkého chrámu? Nech se vést egyptskými kódy a vstup do nové reality, kde duše znovu nachází svou sílu.



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IN ENGLISH: Kundalini Activation & Guided Meditation

Curious about Kundalini Activation? Looking for a deeply relaxing and transformational experience? This event is perfect for beginners and anyone looking to explore meditation, breathwork, and energy activation in a safe and supportive space.
